Monday, October 19, 2015


Here are the coming events for the rest of 2015:
Teacher only day (cluster) 27th Oct

NCA Athletics Day, Friday 13th  Nov

Pet Day Friday, 20th Nov

Primary Athletics Interschools Wednesday 2nd and PP date Friday 4th Dec  

Friday 4th Dec 11:50am Presentation Day – Feathers, Fins, Animals

Room 5 Trip to Tahuna – Natureland and rock pools TBA (Dec)

NCA Wheels Day 11th Dec.

School Prize Giving, Thursday, 17th Dec

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Welcome Back - Term 4 :)
Here are the major themes from our class display.
We have an exciting term with Masked Parade this Friday in our Dr Seuss costumes, then Athletics Sports at NCA in week 5 and Pet Day in week 6.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Two Year 3 boys from Room 5 were part of our winning NCA Year 3/4 maths team in the Stoke Cluster Schools Competition
today :)

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Welcome back for TERM 3!

MAJOR THEME - God is faithful and wants us to be faithful.
KEY UNDERSTANDING - We see God's faithfulness in the regularity of movement within the Solar System.
1. What is significant about the movement of planets in our Solar System?
2. Why is the daily rotation of the Earth important for us?
3. How does the rotation and revolution of the earth affect different places?
4. How does the regular movement of the Moon around the Earth affect us?
Our investigation will help us to begin to understand the awesome sizes and distances involved in a Solar System created by an infinite God. We will see the impact of the reliable laws of gravity, which keep everything from spinning out of control. We will see the effects of our Moon on life on earth. God's creation is awe-inspiring, and a study of the Solar System can easily result in a celebration of God! 
Home reading from School Journals and readers Monday to Thursday. Spelling - 10 words to learn each week with a test on Friday. Maths worksheet practicing our classroom learning, and for those with computer access - studyladder maths and (x table practice).

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Hi and welcome back for another great term in Room 5!
We have studied ANZAC and WWI memorials and have a trip to the Museum next week to study paintings from that theme. If you can help with the groups we will be there on Thursday 30 April at 9:20am. The session will last for 1 1/2 hours.
We will be inquiring about how to keep ourselves safe for the rest of the term and the police will be assisting with our study.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A Passover Celebration

What is Easter really about?

We light the candles to remind us that Jesus is our light in the darkness.

When the Jews celebrated Passover, the youngest child in the family asks "Why is this day different from other days?" Then they read Exodus 12: 1 - 14.

The family say grace

We pour wine (grape juice here!!) from one bowl to show that we are all one in God.

Each food has a special meaning for the Jewish people. The parsley in salt water reminds us of the tears and sweat of the Jewish slaves in Egypt

Not everyone enjoys the taste!!

Matzah is bread made without yeast because the Jews had to leave Egypt quickly.

Can your child remember what the stripes and the little holes on the matzah remind us of?

Bitter herbs remind us that the lives of the Jews were made bitter by slavery.

Haroset looks like the mortar the Jews used to build Egyptian cities.

The Jews put the blood of the Passover lamb on their doors.

Jesus is the Lamb of God.

The new Passover is Easter. Jesus passed over from death to life.